Chavez Elementary School



Alison Evert
Matt Sloan
Ellana Manfredi
Amna Bhumbla
Caitlin Corlett
Megan Rowan


The lack of engagement from both parents and students adversely impacts student achievement.


Increase parent involvement and student engagement in order to increase student academic mindset?


We hosted an after-school mathematics workshop for parents focusing on key grade level skills; it was a general overview for parents around what their child should know at the end of each grade level. It included both what students should know and resources for parents. The workshop was in both Spanish and English.

We took parent input in order to create a skills-focused workshop to meet their requests around supporting students with math strategies at home. We differentiated workshops between lower grade (K-3) and upper grade (4-6) levels and identified key skills at each grade level.


• Family Night (Literacy)
• Parent Workshops around math (2-3)
• Data Conferencing with Student (1)
• Use our DDI protocol to increase achievement
• Be informed about what is already happening
(Juanita to attend faculty meeting)
• Cross grade collaboration


• Create school-wide opportunities for parents
to invest:
– Workshops (5-7 yearly)
– Family Nights (3-5 yearly)
– Coffee Clubs / Parent Committee (twice
– Parent Classes (on-going)
– Parent University (10 week cycle; once annually)

• Parent-Teacher conferences (3+ annually)
• Teacher-Student conferences / Data Chats
• Students become invested in their learning
• Shift staff role: trainer, encourager, informer
• Cross grade collaboration