

Over eight years, 108 schools, 2000+ educators, and 2 continents – we’ve learned a lot! We believe sharing both successes and failures, approaches and insights, is critical to driving towards equitable access to an excellent education for all students. Here, we’ll be publishing learnings, tools, and insights more broadly.

Excerpt from TrueSchool Toolkit, Volume I

Our unique curriculum leverages the best of human-centered design, social entrepreneurship, asset-based development and improvement science. Check out this excerpt of our TrueSchool Toolkit, which includes more than 100 actions for reimagining learning, piloting fresh ideas, and developing innovative education leaders who are defining the future of the student experience.

This resource provides 10 actions that you can use to build empathy and uncover insights around a problem or opportunity in your school or community.

Our Student-Centered Design Canvas includes categories and questions to guide your empathy work with students and serves as a place to organize your notes, insights, and ideas.

This map is used after a brainstorm of possible solutions to a problem. It is useful to consider which ideas have the greatest potential for impact and fewest constraints for implementation.